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Completed Calls Not Showing In SalesLoft

After dialing prospects in Quack, completed and dispositioned calls in Quack are not showing in SalesLoft.

Taylor Del Giudice avatar
Written by Taylor Del Giudice
Updated over a week ago

Set Default Call Disposition

  • Before confirming your dialer settings in Quack, you'll need to select a default call disposition to use for "No Answer" calls. This will ensure that unanswered calls that are auto-logged in Salesloft will appear properly.

Sync delay

If you have call recording enabled in Quack, it can take up to 2 minutes for a completed call task to be updated in Salesloft. If after 5 minutes your task has still not appeared as completed, and the call log isn't visible within Salesloft, submit a ticket through our live chat feature. Alternatively, you can email us at [email protected]

When Quack Completes Call Tasks in SalesLoft:

When calls do not show up in SalesLoft it is also important to remember that there are certain situations where Quack will not log the call:

Examples of when Quack WILL complete call tasks include the following:

  • Connected call (assuming it is logged in Quack following the call)

  • No Answer

Examples of when Quack WILL NOT complete call tasks include:

  • Hung Up: not first

  • Failed: could not connect

  • Failed: Bad Region

  • Failed: Invalid Number

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